Reflection on the Dev Academy Foundations

As I've have been doing self-development for the last two years, I've come across the core topics before. It is one of the reasons why I wanted to study at Dev Academy. The biggest impact for me was reapplied these techniques as once again, If you do not apply in this technique on a daily practice you don't develop them. I excited to develop these techniques. When I can across these techniques that I can learn more than I thought could, only by challenging myself. Over the last year, I have had a lot of challenges that required to us emotional intelligence and it has been helpful, I excited to improve my EQ at EDA. As I have come across these topics before, I didn't find the topic surprising. I believe that there is more to learn from this topic and there will be something surprising about them. Listing and looping is challenging for me and I hopes to practise it more.